My topic, wich i´ll write is concerning Of. Public Relations, but first, i would like to explain a little bit Of. This career.
PR, at present is an interesting field work, because is a Job, where a lot workers in this area to develop communnitional strategies to both publics. Even though it has some advantages and disadvantages that i am going to describe them.
Public Relations:
Communication between internal and external publics to agree interesting point of view about a theme.
This is important to develop it, like an skills that they use to show their products or services to the clients.
This is important, because through of it, the organization will be the mirror to everything what they do and wish to its public.
Many people become journalists to exercise more creativity, for example in each event, of course; they would show something less words.
This is, a main point inside of the organization, because, it allows them to know about its public’s necessity.
Advertisers lie about the products. Public relations lie about the organization.
The content of the work is constantly changing and unforeseen challenging arise every day.
Working Hours:
Typically, include regular unsocial hour. PR work often involves being on call at weekends and during holydays in order to deal quickly with any adverse situation.
Public Relations, has their advantages and disadvantages to develop it, one advantages is communicational, why?. Beacause is important to know that in each company there are internal and external publics to agree interesting point of view concerning an specific theme.
At the same time,PR, works basis in Advertising as an skill to show their products or services to comsummers.
Other is Image, though of it, the organization will be the mirror of their unrolling and capacity to organize everithyng.
Of course, other topic is really important to metion it, is about Journalists, naturally to excecise more creativity, for example, in each event ,namely, PR would show something, less words.
Last, we have Marketing, this is a main point inside an organization, because it allows them to know about its publicss´necessity.
Although, not all, are advantages, there are disadvantages too like these:
First, Lie, advertisers lie about the products, and PR lie about the organization.
Also, are the Unforseen, the content of work is constantly changing and unforseen challenging arise every day.
And working hours, typically include regular unsocial hour. PR work often involves being on call at wekends and during holydays in order to deal quickly with any adverse situation.